Andrew’s Story

Restorative Fitness is not just about improving physical fitness, but a company with a goal of creating a community focused on overall wellness. Our focus is on integrating customer care, and appropriate training techniques to create a truly personal training experience for every client. Our clients are often men and women above the age of forty. However, the services provided with Restorative Fitness can benefit those of all ages. Our studio is able to provide one on one personal training, as well as Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT), a unique approach that is gaining in popularity due to utilization by well known athletes such as John Stockton, Bryson DeChambeau, Peyton Manning, and others.

Andrew’s story…

Hi, I'm Andrew, I'm a 15 year fitness professional that is passionate about working with clients that have physical limitations that most other trainers typically shy away from.  I believe that exercise is vital for people to live their best life and lead a lifestyle that is full of fun, joy, and amazement! Unfortunately, as I'm sure you've noticed, it's hard when your muscles and joints don't work and feel like they used to and it can be a struggle to find a way to exercise that doesn't hurt.  

Before I go further, I think it's important for me to share why I got into the fitness industry to begin with.  

I've seen first hand how people can get frustrated when their body no longer works the way it used to and begin to lose their independence and struggle to enjoy exercise and activities they love with the people they love.  I decided I wanted to focus my practice on helping people 50+ overcome these obstacles and enjoy their golden years with a body that is stronger, more resilient, and have better ability to withstand the stresses around us. Afterall, a fun and enjoyable life shouldn’t involve having to have an escape plan of getting off the floor after playing with your kids or grandkids, or worse yet, just not getting down to play at all.  From the conversations I’ve had with clients, that scenarioscenerio would be the most defeating feeling to them.  I really took these types of feelings to heart, so I began to look for solutions and study how to best use exercise to complement their lifestyles.

I’m always trying new things for the betterment of my clients.  I guinea pig myself, whether through diet, different exercises, continuing education, etc...After about 5 years of successfully implementing strength and conditioning programs for clients using this practice,  I came across an exercise supplement called MAT, Muscle Activation Techniques. I tried an initial session and I was blown away! I felt amazing! I thought I was feeling pretty good before the session, until after my session. Woah! I felt like I was given a brand new body, almost like the fountain of youth, seriously, not joking!  

After working for various gyms and personal training studios over the past 15 years and building up a clientele of 50+ I felt I needed to create a unique practice where I can focus on serving these clients in a welcoming, inspiring atmosphere...Funny story, so as I was putting all the pieces and parts of my own fitness studio together, naming the studio was so much harder than I was expecting.  I began to ask some of my clients their thoughts on the name, and there were several good names, but nothing stood out from the crowd to me. Enter Mr. D, a long time client of mine. As we were in our session, Mr. D asked me how the studio name was coming. I told him, it’s a heck of a lot harder than it seems! He then just asked me, well what is it you do? I would give him some long winded stereotypical answer.  He asked me again, wel what is it you do? This went on for about a good 5-10 minutes, until it finally came out. I restore muscles ability to contract, I said. He saids, say that again? I restore the bodies ability to function better. Then BING! RESTORATIVE FITNESS!! Mr. D said, there you go, that’ll be a $10,000 fee, he said jokingly (I think).  

So this takes us to the present.  Restorative Fitness was formed by me, but with the help of my amazing clients, family, and my wife Jasmine.  Thank you.

Back when I was just getting into the fitness industry, I was asked, what do you want to accomplish from a big picture standpoint?  I said, I want to leave a profound impact on clients and the community. It took some time, and for those that know me personally, taking my time is my M.O, however I feel I’ve found my vehicle to achieve my goal.  

It will be achieved on these CORE VALUES:

  1. Honesty

  2. Humor

  3. Humility

Looking forward to working with you.

- Andrew

Andrew Walters_Personal Trainer_Restorative Fitness_Rocky River OH

My favorite things:

My beautiful wife Jasmine, our great son Taron, dog squishy, long walks on the beach, chocolate chip pancakes and Ghostbusters.
“Who you gonna call!”

Experience & Education

  • BGSU - B.A. Exercise Science 2010

  • Fitness Professional 15 years


  • MAT Certified Specialist

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